An Open Letter To Harper D

Sometimes I wonder how you’ve had such a positive impact on my life — such an impact on the direction my life has taken and the way you’ve allowed me to focus and prioritize what matters.

Maybe it’s  your innocence, your naivety, maybe it’s your unwavering enthusiasm for life and insatiable imagination.

Perhaps it’s the way you say Da-Daaa when I walk in the door, as if I just made your day simply by coming home. Or the way you dance around listening to “Let It Go” on repeat, and say, “Dance da-da, Dance!”.

Most likely, it’s the totality of all those things and so much more that simply can’t be explained.

See, I had no ideas, no expectations of what Fatherhood would be like. From what I knew by watching my Dad, Papa Jay, raise his 3 children, it seemed like a wonderful job.

But, my attempts to explain the adoration I feel for you do the actual feeling no justice. Maybe that’s how it should be — maybe there are no combination of words that will adequately capture exactly what it feels like to be your Dad — but I’m giving it my best shot.

And that’s what being a Dad is all about. Being there and giving it my best shot. Not taking it personally when you only want Mommy to hold you, to feed you. Letting you become who you are and subtly suggesting an alternative route if the one you are taking is too dangerous, potentially harmful. Not being concerned when there is oatmeal in your hair, paint all over your arms, and the house is a disaster. Just being there, present as you unfold into a more magnificent person every day.

This Father’s Day is not a day to seek appreciation for all my hard work as a Dad. It’s not a day where I need things to validate my sacrifices; nor is it a day where I need to stress over what I could be doing differently, better.

This Father’s Day is actually every day. Every day where I’m lucky enough to show my gratitude for being given the gift of being your Dad, for not everyone has this precious opportunity.

Thank you for coming into my world. Thank you for being you. I love you Harper D.

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